This past weekend, after the Women of Faith conference, my husband joined me in Denver for a great Saturday night escape at the hotel! We are so blessed to have Granny in town to have the kids overnight. We enjoyed a spectacular meal with a bottle of wine and dessert too. It was a wonderful weekend to just relax and enjoy our alone time! Life is good!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
We're Having an Indian Summer!
What a beautiful day in the Rockies! It's going to be in the 80's today and just clear blue Colorado skies. I love this weather and the "Indian summer" we are having. I went with a couple of friends this morning and did the vertical challenge stairs at the Airforce Academy. It was a nice way to start the day! I am feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges of the day.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Women of Faith Weekend!
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What a wonderful weekend spent with a great group of women from around our state and beyond. I had the opportunity to attend the Women of Faith Conference in Denver this last weekend. It was filled with uplifting music and pertinent messages. I loved that the speakers had the ability to share their most deep and personal experiences. The ability of these women to open their hearts and be so vulnerable was a humbling experience. I am sure their life stories will help many women and bring them closer to a personal relationship with their Father. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to share in such a wonderful arena of women and realize many of us have the same thoughts, feelings, and issues. May we all grow from our experience and be able to be an example and share with others the loving hand of God. One of the speakers made a profound statement that really hit home for me. She said "He's not looking for perfection, He's looking for progress!"
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Reaching New "Heights"
Over Labor Day weekend, our family had the opportunity to go to the annual balloon festival. Dear friends of ours from Texas venuture here every year to enjoy the balloons. It's always a wonderful weekend with family and friends and of course a good breakfast afterwards. I was told I seem at peace with myself and more of a changed person. I attribute this to the wonderful workings of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I feel blessed to know I can depend on Him for all my strength and have peace in my heart!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Weekend Retreat in the Rockies
Friday, September 5, 2008
Soccer Mom!
Let the games begin! My son, Joshua has just started his fall season of soccer. I love fall soccer because the weather is still beautiful and the kids enjoy being outside. It was a great game and Joshua did great going after the ball. The coach from the other team was a little over the top. It's amazing how obnoxious parents can get over a 5-7 year-olds soccer game! I know it is sometimes difficult to contain oneself, but come on now, it's not the end of the world if your 7 year old doesn't get that goal. Aren't we supposed to be teaching our kids to do their best and to have good sportsmanship? It is my desire to be a good example to my children and those around me. Way to go Joshua!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Thursday has been a "Vertical" challenge, literally!
It's a beautiful morning here in Colorado! I decided to enjoy the morning by hiking the 310 vertical steps inside the Airforce Academy! Yes, that's 310 steps up and 310 steps back down. I managed to do them 4 times (up and down) and the math comes out to a total of 2,480 steps. The first time I did this challenge, it took me a good week to start
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Well here I am. A first time blogger and what do I do now? I am feeling a little apprehensive about starting this blog? Maybe, it's due to the fact that it's been years since I've actually written anything! I have been wanting to do this for a long time and have really enjoyed viewing other christian women venturing out and sharing some very meaningful information in their blogs. So, here I am and I hope I can generate some more thoughts as the days go on!
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